sábado, 7 de xuño de 2014


Are you ready for the global exam of english ?
If the answer is no , we leave to you how use the modal verbs ( can , could , must , should )

          --Ability = I can speak five languages .
                           She can play the piano ( It doesn't change !!! )
CAN                  You -can't - speak Japanese
          --Permission = Can I open the window ?
                                   Yes , you can go to the toilet .

                --Ability in the past = When I was two years old , I couldn't speak .
COULD                                     Last week it rained , so I couldn't go to the beach.

                --Permission = more polite : Could you open the window ? - ¿ Podrías abrir la ventana ?

                  --Obligation (+) = You must come to school every day .
                                               You must be quiet in class.
MUST                                    You must do your homework

                  --Prohibition (-) = You mustn't smoke in the school .     LOOK HOW TO WRITE !!
                                               You mustn't shout in the library .

SHOULD       -- To give advice : Tomorrow I've got an exam . You should study today .
                                                    I feel bad . You should go to bed .

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